
Saturday 5 November 2011

''Andy Rooney Dies at 92''


Andy Rooney, whose barbed wit long basis CBS News, and whose homespun commentary on "60 Minutes", is delivered every week from 1978 to 2011, made him a household name, died on Friday in New York.He was 92 and lived in Manhattan, although he had a family holiday home in Rensselaerville, New York, and the first house he ever bought, in Rowayton, Conn.
CBS News said in a statement that Mr. Rooney died after complications following minor surgery.
In late September, CBS announced that Mr. Rooney would have made his last regular weekly appearance on the "60 Minutes" on Oct. 2. After that, said Jeff Fager, chairman of CBS News and executive producer of the program, he "always have the opportunity to voice their opinions on 60-Minutes», when the urge hits him. "
But little more than three weeks after the appearance, CBS announced that Mr. Rooney was hospitalized after developing "serious complications" of unspecified operation.
Mr. Rooney joined television shortly after the Second World War, he wrote material for artists such as Arthur Godfrey, Victor Borge, Herb Shriner Sam Levenson and Gary Moore. Since 1962, he was six years with CBS News correspondent Harry Reasoner, who gave a series of Everyman "essay," written by Mr. Rooney.
But it was "a few minutes with Andy Rooney," his weekly segment on "60 Minutes" that made him one of the most popular figures in the broadcasting country. On his cheeks, bushy eyebrows, deep-circled eyes and old age, he seemed every inch of homespun philosopher, as he turned mostly mundane objects with varying degrees of befuddlement, frustration, and sometimes even fun.
He acknowledged, loving football, Christmas, tennis, woodworking, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, one of the few politicians who won his approval, because, as General of the Army during World War II, he refused to censor the Stars and Stripes, and G. . The newspaper, for which Mr. Rooney worked. He also argued that, as a shining shoes and pressed trousers and right were machine in his office to take care of those functions, but somehow he always managed to look rumpled.
But he was better known for what he does not like. He railed against the "two-prong plugs with three prongs of society," the incomprehensibility of road maps, wash-and-jacket "that can be washed, but not be" useless box keys and locks, and oversized grains, which contain very little oatmeal.
"I do not like any music, I can not hum," he growled.He noted that "There is more beauty than there are beautiful women" and that "if dogs could talk, it would take a lot of fun owning one."He made it clear he thought that Gen. George S. Patton and Ernest Hemingway, both of whom he knew personally, were gasbags. He did not like New Year's Eve, waiting in line for any reason, and treasurers to any college of his children attended.
Once he concluded that "it is possible to be silent and be president of the college," but he acknowledged that "most college students are not as smart as the majority of college presidents."In higher education, he said that most college catalogs "are among the great works of fiction of all time" and that the student is dull intellect, which could raise the money to education would have found "almost impossible to flunk out."
Time magazine once called him "the most successful nonfiction writer in television." But Mr. Rooney was definitely not everyone's cup of tea.
The New York Times, Anna Quindlen, for example, took strong issue with the dismissive comments, Mr. Rooney after Kurt Cobain of Nirvana's committed suicide in 1994. It was not surprising, she wrote, that Mr. Rooney, "brought the issue of youth despair mixture of sarcasm and contempt," but it was "worth noting, because in 1994 this kind of attitude, both on and stupid as to believe that cancer is contagious.
"Opinion, Mr. Rooney sometimes led him into trouble. In 1990, CBS News suspended him without pay in response to complaints that he had made remarks offensive to black and gay.
Trigger December 1989 special, "The Year With Andy Rooney" in which he said: "There was some recognition in 1989 that many ills which kill us are self-induced. Too much alcohol, too much food, drugs, homosexual unions, cigarettes . They all know, often leads to premature death. "He later apologized for the statement.



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