
Tuesday 29 November 2011

‘’Barney Frank: Ihave Destroyed the Economy, my Work here is done’’


LOS ANGELES, November 29, 2011 - Barney Frank held a press conference to announce his retirement from Congress, when it is completed the current term. This allowed the United States knows that as soon as he completes the destruction of the U.S. economy, resulting in a financial crisis of 2008 has nothing to do for him.
His resignation was a tacit admission that the Democrats will not be repeated in the house in 2012, denying him the opportunity to resume the presidency of financial services to inflict more damage.
Congressman Frank also very proud of its ability to empty the military and ideological blinders can cause disruptions dreams of minorities, giving them the gift of redemption.
Mr. Franks also managed to finish undefeated, having not one but two separate criminal enterprise run out of his house. One of his former partners ran the prostitution ring from Frank's residence. Years later, another lover ran drug ring from the same place.
Frankie Congress continued to insist that she was a prostitute, stroke, or subprime mess, which was caught by surprise. At present, ignorant clod unable to grasp reality is better than bad faith? Someone says incompetence is even worse.
The question is not why Barney Frank is retired. He admitted the real reason. Thank areas, it is no longer a safe place in Massachusetts, where every two years, he was the first time with the same liberal ideas Blueblood with his nose (rhinoplasty, some not) to match. Currently, he is in a new area where it really should listen to people rather than basking in the rays of supporters while intimidating dissidents accident.In 2010, after several years, hardly a sign of opposition, in fact, he was taking part in the last election. He spoke passionately about the fishing industry, but the only thing he fished a good way to avoid a humiliating rebuke. He took a cue from its financially devastating accomplice, Christopher Dodd of the Senate and ran to the back door.
The real question is, why it took so long to leave. As a man so bad for society on many levels last so long?
Barney Frank was one of the arms to cling to power. Barney Frank is gay. Some people are playing cards of race and gender card. Barney Frank played the gay card.Sometimes his opponents on the right with his crusade to make fun of a lisp. They will imitate his voice, using the language of Elmer Fudd. The former majority leader of the Republican Party was once known as "Barney's (rhymes with bag)." (The fact that the congressman excuses.)
Worse, it was recommended to join the football program at the University of Pennsylvania. For comparison, Barney Frank, Gerry Sandusky scary. There are many gay Americans, America, and they do not affect kids. For comparison of homosexuality with pedophilia just fine.
Nevertheless, the fact that Barney Frank, then do is take a small number of inappropriate comments to attack all Republicans and conservatives as anti-gay.
Those who criticize Barney Frank, for whatever reason, felt his wrath. He was a minority of leftists and oppressed, so he had to correct all the time. His intentions were noble and virtuous, and judge of the strange concepts such as the actual results of pure bigotry.
This would lead reasonable people to ask a simple question. What is the name of Siegfried and Roy, T. Boone Pickens does sexuality relate to financial services?
In the real world, the answer is "nothing." Top scientists and mathematicians could spend hours analyzing the sunset of life Barney Frank and his voice for financial accounting and to find correlations close to zero.
(He really wants the company to provide health benefits to domestic partners, but also people on the "right" has never been against gays using the HMO. Like most politicians, they just shrugged their shoulders, not knowing what HMO really is.)Connecting thread is not that he slept with people of your sex, but he was asleep on the job. He headed one of the worst financial crises in American history, and he never had an ounce of guilt.
He was warned about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and plowed ahead. Prohibit black households, based on criteria such as odd solvency racist.He waved a minority of different cards, like the club, and too many people were intimidated. For 32 years, he was sitting on top of his perch in Massachusetts and made decisions that led to injury, in places like Texas and South Carolina. He knew what was best for everyone, even if they know virtually nothing. It replaces the liberal ideology of common sense and social engineering to financial practice.
Like all leftists, he accused George W. Bush. Nevertheless, the Bush economy is fine in accordance with the Republican Party. The Americans opened fire on the Republican disenchantment with Iraq, the economy, rather than clicking on all cylinders. When Nancy Pelosi, Christopher Dodd and Barney Frank took over, they ran America into the ditch. Then the liberals do not understand leadership and the American people took them. Chris Dodd has escaped into the mountains, and Barney Frank is now as follows.
Congress has just become a little less hatred. Offensive, obnoxious, shrill, unhappy, had to leave rather than face colossal failure of his file. It will never be confronted with real justice, when the Republicans were responsible for serious misconduct.
At least, he was gone, taken over the weekend of Thanksgiving in 2011, thanks indeed.Now he can sleep with offenders as they want. This will be a private matter. We're not talking about it, or mourn his terpitude morality. This is not about gay terpitude, but use it to justify homosexuality serious crimes that deserve attention.



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