
Tuesday 13 December 2011

‘God Particle’ It’s Big News For The Tiny Particle


What would be interesting if more believers in God took that approach to their own convictions, thinking that when they find evidence that they believe they have both assertions and challenge - to evaluate new answers and new questions?

Independently, or those whom we place our faith must be large enough that the new arrangements encourage greater reverence and wonder, even as we understand them better. Neither science nor God is great, because they remain a mystery, but because they are endlessly interesting and inspiring.

The particle solution to the puzzle of God does not end the history of physics, and neither should find the end of their faith stories of his understanding of God. If this happened in the past, none of the great traditions of today would be fully utilized.

Even if we restrict ourselves to the Abrahamic religions, it is possible to see how the search for God is an evolving process in which what is considered the "correct response" to changes. Adam and Eve, God seems to be a physical being whose footsteps can be heard in the garden. Over time, this understanding gives way to one who may be present in physical form, but not limited to this form. And finally, there is, for many believers, to move, to imagine a God who has no physical form at all.

The discovery of God particle to transform the world, just as each new understanding of God did. In the same opening, but will also generate new discoveries that may well make some now look all wrong. Scientists fearlessly and conscientiously accept this reality and must therefore be true, if we want to go in the footsteps of their ancestors, thus brought more gifts in the world - presents as great as the newly discovered particle of God.



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