
Monday 12 December 2011

Mithraic Mysteries

Mysteries of Mithras was a mystery religion practiced in the Roman Empire from about AD 1 to 4 of the Persian god Mithra vv.Imya adapted in Greek as Mithras was associated with a new and distinctive image. The Romans called the religion of Mithras Mysteries or Mysteries of Persia, modern historians refer to him as Mithraism, and sometimes Mithraism.The Roman mysteries were popular in the Roman army.

Fans of Mithra were a complex of seven grades of initiation, the ritual meal. Insiders say they syndexioi are "united by a handshake." They met in the underground churches (the so-called mithraeum), which survive in large kolichestvah.Kult seems to be the epicenter of Rome.

Many archaeological discoveries, including meeting places, monuments and artifacts, have contributed to the present knowledge of Mithraism in the Roman Empire.The emblematic scenes show Mithras was born of a rock, killing the bull, and the sharing dinner with the god Sol (the Sun). Approximately 420 sites have produced materials associated with the cult. Among the objects found near 1000 inscriptions, 700 Examples of bulls murder scene (tauroctony), and about 400 other sites. It was estimated that it would be at least 680-690 Mithraea Rome.No written in the story or the theology of the religion to survive, with limited information from the registration, and only briefly or pass a reference to the Greek and Latin literature. Interpretation of physical evidence remains problematic and controversial.

The Romans themselves considered to have a Persian Zoroastrian and the confidentiality of sources. Since the early 1970s, however, the dominant scholarship that gave birth in doubt, and believed the mysteries of Mithra as a separate product of Roman religious world.
In this context, Mithraism is sometimes considered a competitor of early Christianity.



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